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Our History

                                          ‘THE CONCEPT SCHOOL’ is the brainchild of a Young Engineer Prof. Avinash Nitnaware. There is no doubt that it has become a perfect pathway for the success of rural students towards their professional career. Prof. Nitnaware, the then Head of Department in a reputed Engineering College analyzed that there is a knowledge gap between urban and rural students which becomes clearly visible when they come up for graduation studies. This analysis also served another key fact that dropout and failure rate of rural students is higher during their engineering graduation. It is an alarming situation not for the students but also for the parents who admit their wards to such courses under financial burden. Ascertaining the reasons, it was also found that rural students basically lack in core competence and which can’t be developed overnight. During multiple sessions of counseling to students, it was realized that rural students are lagging behind because they do not get that competitive environment and educational support services at secondary and higher secondary levels. In a helpless situation, students wishing to avail such services rush to mega cities like Kota, Mumbai, Hyderabad, Nagpur, etc. and no doubt but it has always been a costly affair! Prof. Nitnaware made up his mind to take up this scenario as a social responsibility and provide suitable educational support services to rural students. The idea was shared with his colleagues Gagandeep Madan and Ritesh Shangrapawar, Shrikant Sabbanwar, Mclin Ghosal and convinced them for the exclusive project. In 2015, with the help of his younger brother Rajesh Nitnaware, he managed to start JEE batch of five students at a very nominal fees out of which only one student continued with them till the END who cracked JEE mains. The task was not easy as after finishing their regular job that would always pack them for the day in Nagpur, the team would regularly travel nearly 150 kms everyday to Katol for attending a single student. Dedication for uplifting the student was matchless with this routine and Prof. Avinash would not hesitate to compromise his partial salary for this venture. To augment the financial requirements, they managed somehow to conduct a batch for Std. X CBSE. The genuine efforts brought spotless results; and 07 of 10 admitted students were 10 pointers!! Meanwhile Mr. Shrikant and Mclin were selected for public sector jobs and they left to join another course of life.

                                          It is rightly said that opportunities lie in the midst of difficulties and Prof. Avinash was ready to face it with a brave heart, a thoughtful mind and a broad smile on face. Continuing tirelessly with a firing wish, to cater needs of the rural students, he planned an innovative non-traditional school. The new plan had a sole aim to ‘transform rural talent into professionals’. In 2017, Prof. Avinash resigned from his lucrative job. The concept was rewarding and the mission was appealing, unquestionably he was joined by some of his colleagues. And what could be more surprising than admissions for a full-fledged day residential batch for Engineering and Medical Entrance by admitting students on purely ‘NO MERIT’ basis. This was the most extraordinary and remarkable featuring the CONCEPT SCHOOL was launched with. The beginning surely was not easy and Prof. Avinash had to raise funds from friends and relatives who extended all help for his project. He was looking after his team also simultaneously but he never let his spirits down and the similar lesson is given to each student in the school now. As his efforts and stories of ‘transforming students into productive beings’ spread through, the Katol Nagar Parishad offered him its premises on rent with request to take affordable fees from local students. He instantly promised it for the reason that he would have then more learners to coach for life and it was more pleasing than anything. This exercise demanded but an added sacrifice to Prof. Avinash, he had to sell his personal car a few items of property to generate finance during those difficult times. Not to be mentioned and even not to be surprising that his better half Mrs. Sujata strongly stood by him. She poured her life into children, did everything around the house and kept the family organised in those tough times. Mr. Rajesh Nitnaware (younger brother) was directly involved then in managing the batch and holding up the routine affairs.

                                          A fresh team of young and motivated teachers who has no exposure of entrance exam worked hard and gave rigorous training to students for two years consecutively. A very unique mentoring system of concept school created history in the very first year. In the first batch, 32 students qualified NEET of which two students sought admission for MBBS and one for BDS in institutions of national repute. 9 students managed to crack JEE Main but couldn’t shine equal in JEE Advance. 2 were selected in NITs and 8 in Govt. Engineering colleges like COEP, VJTI, etc. Only five students opted for B. Sc. in different subjects availably within locality and all other students joined professional courses in different universities on the basis of their performances in MHTCET. It motivated Avinash to put more efforts on forthcoming batches along with team of dedicated teachers. Being a sociable person, he adopts few meritorious students from weaker sections of the society for free coaching anticipating that one day they will pay back to society. Aiming at holistic development, he wishes to provide excellent and affordable value based education system to rural students. He is a leader who does not believe in creating followers for him rather some more leaders to the system. He credits success to his team and well-wishers!!!
                                          With the help of Mr. Gagan and Mr. Ritesh now Directors, Prof. Avinash is raising Concept School like a sapling with a strong belief that it will grow into an institute of national repute. He introduces himself in a humble manner…”I am just a worker…the team owns everything.”

Gratitude is the healthiest of all human emotions...

Dr. Parinay Fuke
(Ex. Minister MH GOVT)

Dr. D P Kothari
Ex. Chairman IIT, Delhi

Shri Charansingh Thakur
Ex. President N. P. Katol
Infrastructural Support

Shri Nitin Fuke
 Family Friend
Promotional Support

Shri. Suresh &
Sau. Shobha Bhide
Moral Support

Shri. Sanjay Manwatkar
Special Support

Dr. Shailesh Bahadure
       Associate Professor      
Academic Support

Dr. Mamta Wagh
Associate Professor
Academic Support

Dr. Kishor G. Rewatkar
Associate Professor
Academic Support

We are bound in exceptional affection...

Mr.Sanjay Tayde, Ms.Priya Turkar, Mr.Ranjan Deb, Ms.Sweta Goyal, Mr.Vilas Walde, Mr.Narendra Bhoyar, Mr.Madhav Lokhande, Mr.Deepak Bhagat, Mr.Mitaram Patle, Mr.Rahul Malode, Mr.Prashant Deshmukh, Dr.Sumanth Tekade, Mr.Dinesh Thadani, parents and students for contributing in the making of CONCEPT SCHOOL.

All Round Performance of First Batch

NEET Cutoff
0 0
Qualified for
JEE Advance
Scored Above 90
Percentile in MHTCET